Thursday, June 16, 2016

சுடுமணல் - சுப்ரபாரதிமணியன்

This novel tells the story of a city through the eyes of an unemployed man during troubled times. Mahendran, an unemployed youth lives with his parents in a rented house in Hyderabad. Though he was born and educated there , the city treats them as an outsider. He wanted to go out and live a normal life. But unfortunately for him,the four walls are everything.
நகரமே இப்படித்தான் பிணங்களின் மத்தியில் சாவகாசமாய் இயங்கிக் கொண்டிருக்கிறது
His father Venkattaiya left his hometown thirty years before and never able to go back and live his dream life . He can talk the local language but he is always scared to use his own language outside of his house. His only communication with his families and friends in native is through Pongal cards. His longing for his native made him to sent his son Mahendran to Tiruppur to be with his brother, who he contacted long time back.His mother ,a housewife but these days Mahendran does all the household work including cooking. She always laying down in her bed
காலம் கட்டப்பட்டு எங்காவது மரணப் படுக்கையில் கிடக்கும். எல்லோருக்கும் காலம் நகர்ந்து எதை எதையோ நிகழ்த்திக் காட்டிப் போகிறது. தன்னை மட்டும் அப்படியே விட்டுவிட்டிருக்கிறது. ஒரு அடி கூட நகரவிடவில்லை. வாகனத்தின் வெளிச்ச ஒளிக்குள் அமிழ்ந்துவிட வேண்டும் போலிருந்தது அவனுக்கு
Another memorable character is Damodaran - an ex-army man who lost his wife and became alcohol addict. No one  except kids like him but everyone needed him for house hold works. The author beautifully portrays how we treat people like him. People like  Damodaran is typical to any city, no one cares for them.
சமையலறையில் இருக்கின்றவரை நாலு சுவர் களையே பார்த்துக்கொண்டிருக்க வேண்டும். கல் சுவர்கள், நகரத்து மனிதனின் இதயத்தைப் போன்ற திடம்தான். கொலைக்குரல் பக்கத்தில் கேட்டாலும் சாவகாசமாக இருக்கச் சொல்லும் சுவர்கள்.
The author beautifully brings the essence of typical city life that too during tense communal and social unrest time. There was a murder discussed in the earlier chapters - very authentic , i myself had seen an accident in Chennai in early hours, no one stopped to help. But Mahendran think of these events and wants to help. He is baffled by the people's reactions. In this story there is a constant tension and fear among outsiders.

The curfew days were scary -language,culture and race took back seat. Venkattiya's journey to meet Mahendran during those curfew days were unimaginable. The influx of refugees from different states and the confusion of Venkattaiya about which language side he needs to go makes a exact climax. The mindset of the parents who are staying away from their children was captured realistically by the author.

Good Read!

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