Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Novel Cure : An A-Z of Literary Remedies - Ella Berthoud & Susan Elderkin

This book is bursting with lots of lists and suggestions about books. There are books for each and every possible situations in one's life. Its a remarkable work by these authors to compile all these lists. This book is very easy read - one can read it during coffee or lunch break. This is book is fun too.This book is a celebration of books. This book is a reading guide about choosing a book - a book of recommendations.

I loved the book layout and presentation. I never heard of many of the books suggested in this book , need to read all those. The synopsis of the suggested books are very useful. Hundreds of ideas about new books.  Many studies have proved the benefits of reading and this book gives you ammunition to it. Since I have not read much of the books suggested I cannot find any fault with the suggestions.

Some of the lists are :
  • The ten best novels to lower your blood pressure.
  • The ten best novels to read in hospital.
  • The ten best novels for seeming well-read.
  • The ten best novels to read on the loo.
  • The ten best novels to turn your partner(female) on to fiction.
  • The ten best novels to turn your partner(male) on to fiction.

Just reading this book itself a fascinating experience. This book should be kept with religious books in all book lovers home. I believe one day book like this one will come for Tamil books too.