Thursday, June 23, 2011

Saagavaram (சாகாவரம் )

This book was written by V.Iraianbu .This is a story of Nasiketan who has lived his life to the fullest until he lost of his three close friends.From that time onward he started to have an aversion to death.He wanted to find a way to stop death.His journey to find it is this book.

The author started beautifully by explaining the life's simple pleasures and Nasiketan's way of life.He is very gentle,lovable and very helpful.He is a teacher unlike his friends who went to different places to work and earn, Nasi chose to remain in his native with his parents.He is unmarried and his parents never cajoled him to marry. Simply saying he enjoyed his life till he met the destruction caused by death. He lost his love for life.Started to alienate himself from others.

At last he decide to leave his family and go in search of the place where there is no 'death'.He found a guru who lives in a jungle and he was very much impressed by the way he lives his life in conjunction with nature. The journey he took to reach the guru was described beautifully by the author, the landscapes,the waterfalls, herbs and of course fruits.The guru asked him to read a scroll before leaving from there and guru died in his sleep.Very much worried Nasiketan forgot to read the scroll and went on searching for that place.

After going through many tough paths he reached the place, everyone there wave him to go back but he misunderstood and felt that they were jealous of him for reaching that place.At first he was very much impressed by the place but gradually he understood how things were in that place.That place did not have time  -means if there is time there will be degradation of things including human body.Every thing remained same through out, there were no bloom and fades , no smile and cry , it was like life at standstill.

Gradually he was losing his memory of everything past,  from now on he will be like a living dead.The story ends there.Later part of the book is not that interesting may be i guessed the outcome or simply bad writing , i can not say.But after reading this book , 2 people whom i known died.One was the 'smiling' uncle at the next house, he always smiled at me , used to ask me about my runs.I never knew that he had cancer, we came to know about his death only after three days.Next my beloved uncle who died of cardiac arrest.He was a gem of a man who was misunderstood my most.

Death is part of journey here in earth , nothing remains still ,everything have to change at some point of time.Instead of wasting time and worrying about death , lets enjoy the moment and make the journey - a happy one.


Mariyan said...

it is touching, to read on the last personal comment....your dearest uncle, germ of man, misunderstood by there anything to be done to make known him properly understood............

Unknown said...

nice review

Unknown said...

nice review