Sunday, September 19, 2010

Snail Watching

Today morning , as i walked towards the market to buy groceries, i watched a snail moving, i should say it was amazing to see snail moving.I have spent almost 15 minutes watching the snail crossed around 6 inch in 10 minutes, i was fascinated by the way it moved itself over the thin grasses, latter i found that these are Garden snail.

 I read somewhere that in certain parts of Europe people spent lots of time watching snail moving, its fascinating and good passtime, but you must have patience.Took some snaps with my mobile.
 These Garden Snails are considered as pest by farmers around the world as it destroys the crops.
 Another interesting fact is Snails are hermaphrodites; they are equipped as both a male and female.In Some European and ASEAN countries these Garden Snails are cooked and served as delicacy .

More about Garden Snails

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