Thursday, December 10, 2015

சிப்பியின் வயிற்றில் முத்து - போதிசத்வ மைத்ரேய

This is a Tamil translation of the Bengali book "Jhinuker Pete Mukto " by Bodhisattva Maitreya. First thing that struck me was that the detailed description of the lives of Parava community. A Bengali writers writes about Tamil people!

 சிப்பித் தாய்கள் கடுஞ் சூட்டிலே இனிப்புத் தண்ணிக்காக ஏங்கிக்கிட்டு இருப்பாங்க. பௌர்ணமி இரவிலே மழைத் தண்ணி ரொம்ப இனிப்பாயிருக்கும். அந்தத் தண்ணியைச் சொட்டுச் சொட்டாய்க் குடிச்சால் அதுகளோட தாகம் தணியும். நிலவிலே கழுவின அந்தத் தண்ணிச் சொட்டு அதுகளோட வயித்திலே போய் அதிலேருந்துதான் முத்து பிறக்கும்.

This is the story of Anthony and Peter who are childhood friends but separated by principles and distance. Anthony is a son of one of the richest man in Tutocorin - Godwin. Anthony despite his families objections leaves home and goes to Bengal , from there to London for education. He was in relationship with a girl there. Through Anthony's character the author highlights the Jeep Scandal case, i never heard about this scandal anywhere before.

Peter's father was murdered and no one was prosecuted for the crime .Peter too was in danger as he lives in hiding in his boat rarely leaving the sea. But Peter has revolutionary ideas of changing working class people's life. He was in relationship with Sophia who joined convent to become a nun . And there is Raman, who was born in Tanjavur , educated in Tiruchi and learnt classical dance . These three are major male characters of this novel.

The author beautifully describes history and culture of these fishermen, their relations with Srilanka. Also the story covers all the major events  of Tamilnadu like story on Chidambaranar and Rajai etc.  I think no other novel may be except Aazhi Chool Uzhagu and Kadalpurathil gives such a detail accounts of the life and history of Tamil fishermen specially Paravar's.The story of Venky Aiyyar was reflection of many of freedom fighters after the independence.

Through Raman, author explores the life of  Devadasis. The way they surrendered their life to the temple and to satisfy the patrons were told in detailed manner, specially the encounter between Raman and daughter of one of the devadasi. The author gives lots of details on Tamil classical music and dance. And lots of references to classic writings .

The novel cover two landscapes the coastal area from Korkai to Turicorin and green lands in Cauvery basin.  The author also highlights the command hold by the catholic church even in people's personal choice. The relationship between Britishers and the fishing community were told through historical context. As expected the rich had good relationship with Britishers.

A must read book about Tamil fishing community.

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