Friday, February 22, 2013


This movie is based on CIA Operative Tony Mendez, who led the rescue of six  US diplomats from Tehran, Iran.When the militants seized the American embassy and took all the people hostage , six of the embassy officials escaped through the back door and was given place to hide by Canadian ambassador.

The CIA has to rescue those who escaped from the embassy and hiding in Canadian embassy.The CIA operative Tony Mendez came with the plan, in which he will go to Tehran and make those diplomats as a  movie grew and rescue them. The imaginary movie name is "Argo". How Tony  rescued those diplomats? thats Argo.

From start to finish , its nail-biting, very interesting and engaging. I was hooked to the film never got distracted by anything and it was a good experience.Ben Affleck made an true story into an engrossing espionage thriller.Hats off to him.This movie shows that now and then CIA can pull something off.All the characters played their role to near perfection.

Ben Afflect as Tony Mendez was amazing, this guy is really talented.The way the screenplay slowly creates tension was awesome, well done Chris Terrio.I loved the background score by Alexandre Desplat.Overall a very crisp and neat movie.

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