Thursday, February 18, 2016

காதுகள் - எம்.வி. வெங்கட்ராம்

This is a very unique and uncategorised  novel.because it dwells into many layers of magical realism, fiction, auto-fiction and transgressive fiction etc. Very different and very thoughtful. This book got Sahitya Academy award.
பெண் இன்பத்துக்கு மிஞ்சின இன்பம் ஏது? Sex is the prime-mover of life இல்லையா? 
What will happen if ears started talking ? How a pious man will react ? The novel explores this situation.  The protagonist Mahalingam is a devotee of Lord Murugan. His life turns upside down as his business lost grounds and family pushed to poverty. Added to his situation , his ears started talking. Talking mostly vulgar things and negative things but most of the time shouting so much that Mahalingam could not listen to others.All the voices have names and special characters.Slowly all five senses starts behaving on their own (Autonomy of Sense Organs!!).
மகாலிங்கம் நிலை குலைந்தான். ஆனால், அவனுடைய புத்தியோ ‘நான்’ என்னும் உணர்வோ சிறிதும் பிசகவில்லை. தன்னுள்ளும் தன்னைச் சுற்றிலும் நிகழ்வதை ஒரு சாட்சியாக இருந்து கவனித்து வந்தான். அவன் ஒரு எளிய பக்தன்; திருமுருகன் என்னும் தெய்வத்தையே குருவாக வரித்துக்கொண்டவன். அருவருப்பு தரும் உருவங்கள் ஆபாசமான சொற்களை உமிழ்வதைச் சகிக்க முடியாமல் அவ்வப்போது தன் இஷ்ட தேவதையின் உருவப்படத்தின் முன்னிலையில் சென்று முறையிடுவதைத் தவிர அவனுக்கு வேறு வழி இல்லை.
The dramas acted upon his ears were remarkable. In one episode male, female  and even critics voices enact a drama using Mahalingam as a theme. The main character  is Kaali , the female goddess who wants Mahalingam not to trust Lord Murugan and wants to have relations with her. The author was really courageous to write about Kaali calling Mahalingam for sexual relationship. I cannot imagine what will happen if this novel releases now. 
ஒரு தெய்வம் காம உணர்ச்சியோடு வரும் என்று நான் புராணங்களில் கூடப் படித்ததில்லை…’
In another episode there was a conversation between Lord Rama and Karuppan who was searching for his wife. Rama wanted to help Mahalingam and Karuppan disturbed both. Both talks about different gods . One can feel the presence of these characters and the noise they make in their own ears - its so much real!
சத்தத்தை ஒடுக்க அதைவிட பெரிய சத்தம் போட வேண்டும் . கொல்லவரும் சொல்லை அதைவிட வலிய சொல்லால் அடித்துக் கொல்லவேண்டும் ..... தாமஸத்தை  வெல்ல சத்துவமே சிறந்த ஆயுதம் .ஒரு  hallucination-ஐ  மாய்க்க அதைவிடப் பெரிய  hallucination தேவை . மாயை என்னும் தோற்றத்தைக் கடக்க அதைவிடப் பெரிய தோற்றம் தேவை.
Through Mahalingam , the author makes the reader question very existence of God. In spite of all his good wills Mahalingam was shaken to the core both spiritually and worldly. Mahalingam was steadfast in his faith in Guru ,though he lost ways often and questions the existence. We as a reader also thinks the same. To find the truth one needs to go through many levels of understanding , that's what author portrays through Mahalingam . He went through different ways and people to find the solution to his problem and at last he understood what he needs to do.
ஆத்மஞானம் -SELF REALISATION என்பது இதுதான் . You realise yourself by transcending flesh by means of flesh.
Another important character in this novel is Kamatchi - I think without this character this novel would have been incomplete. She was a typical Tamil housewife .In spite of his physical conditions she willingly satisfies Mahalingam's sexual desires specially during her pregnancy.Through her the author highlights the nature of human fight against lust and also the 'typical' role of Indian women same like in this author's another book 'Nithyakanni'.

The writing is so fluent and it gives a strange feeling in a good way.  Read for a strange experience. A unique book in many ways.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

மணிரத்னம் : தலைகீழ் ரசவாதி -B.R மகாதேவன்

This book discuss(criticize!!!)  some of Manirathnam's movies in a very detailed manner. First one must have great courage  being in the industry to write like this about a well known cinema director. As mentioned in the book, he might not get any chance in the industry after this book. And its true he never did.

I'm not a big fan of Manirathnam's movies , so I did not feel upset about the comments made in this book , in fact ,after watching many of his movies I felt that Manirathnam missed golden chances specially movies like "Kannathil Muthammittal" and " Roja".  This author says Manirathnam is good at marketing his products and I have to agree with him.  Almost all his movies songs are mega hit - meaning the director spent more time and energy in songs than the story.
சாதாரண தமிழ்ப்  படத்தில் பாடல்கள் இடம்பெறுவது வேறு . சீரியஸான முயற்சி ஒன்றில் பாடல் இடம்பெறுவது வேறு.
The cinematography in all Manirathnam movies looks good and colourful but in many scenes in many movies it doesn't make sense to the story.
வெறுமனே பிரேம் பியூட்டி என்பதற்கு மட்டுமே முக்கியத்துவம் தராமல் காட்சியிலும் பொருத்தமான விஷயத்தை கொண்டுவந்தால் படத்தின் தரம் நிச்சியம் உயரும் .
 The author gives a long list of cliches in Manirathnam's screenplays in his movies discussed in this book. Most of them are valid and these cliches make Manirathnam just like another masala director - may be talented one.

The biggest drawback of this book is the authors  proposed alternative stories and scenes - for me the authors stories too looked typical formula ones.  In fact its irritating. The author has all the rights to criticize the work of an another artist in public domain but it seems like he went bit too far.Personally after watching "Kadal" I felt disappointed , the story is neither fully nor correctly told.

Any one can read this book just for understanding missed opportunities in Manirathnam's movies.

Friday, February 5, 2016

வெள்ளையானை - ஜெயமோகன்

I felt strange feeling of helplessness and anger after finished reading this novel. I have read almost all of this author's articles and short stories published in his website and I'm familiar with his writing style which made me this novel reading experience something special.

This novel  explores the Great famine of 1870's and how the rulers and upper caste people suck the blood of the poor. The main protagonist of this novel is an Irishman Aidan who knew his fellow countrymen's suffering at the hands of British. I think as far as I read, this is the first Tamil novel with a foreigner as  a main protagonist. And this character selection was very important for this story. Aidan is not just a officer  but in his heart he was a soldier and that too who loves Shelly's revolutionary poems.
ஆட்சி என்பது என்ன? அது மேலோட்டமாக எவ்வளவுதான் சமத்துவம், நீதி, கருணை என்றெல்லாம் பேசினாலும் உள்ளே இருப்பது சுரண்டல்தான். அப்பட்டமான நேரடியான சுரண்டல். அந்தச்சுரண்டலைக் குற்றவுணர்ச்சியே இல்லாமல் செய்தால்மட்டும்தான் நான் நல்ல ஆட்சியாளனாக முடியும்.

The description of Ice House was brilliant - light coming through small window, the chillness and darkness of the place as well as workers.The various moods and emotions of  Aidan was portrayed beautifully. Aidan's mental struggle is the highlight of this novel. Basically kind hearted but he was helpless to do anything . When he wants to do something for the poor , even his Indian subordinates (high caste) not helping him in any manner. Initially he could not understand castes different but slowly through various events he understood it but hates it.

சர், இங்கே எல்லாருமே யாருக்காவது உயர்சாதிதான். எல்லாருமே யாருக்காவது தீண்டப்படாத சாதியும் கூட.
இந்திய அதிகாரம் இங்குள்ள உயர் ஜாதிகளாலானது. நமக்கு தோன்றும் இங்குள்ள ஒட்டு மொத்த அதிகாரத்தின் உச்சியில் பிராமணர்கள் இருக்கின்றார்கள் என்று. ஆள ஆரம்பிக்கும் போது தெரியும் அவர்கள் அங்கே அமர அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார்கள். உண்மையான அதிகாரம் எங்குமிருப்பது போல எவரிடம் வாளும், நிலமும், பணமுமமிருக்கின்றதோ அவர்களிடம்தான்
The author brilliantly moves the readers to the First Workers Strike in India ever by making an British officer as a witness . Aidan himself saw the Ice House clerk beating two Dalits.  He was enraged and started digging deep. Though he found enough evidence he would not do anything. He was helpless. He was aided by Indian named Kathavarayan, Through him Aidan learns lot about Indians specially the situation of Dalits. Kathavarayan highlights the division among Dalits - rich and poor and their life style.

Through out the novel , one can feel the hatred of upper caste people towards Dalits and the helplessness of Aidan. This novel portrays upper caste Hindus as heartless and cruel.The author takes the reader along with Aidan to Chengalpattu to check the impact of famine. Through out that journey I cried , a powerful imageries and credit should go to the author.  The cry of "தொர ,தொர" resonated in me for many days.

பஞ்சத்தை கொண்டு வந்தது நீங்கள்தான். வேறு இடங்களில் இருந்து வரவேண்டிய விளைச்சலை முழுக்க நீங்கள் அள்ளிக்கொண்டு செல்வதனால் வந்தது. உங்கள் துறைமுகங்கள் முழுக்க எங்கள் உணவு மலையாக குவிந்துக்கிடக்கிறது. அங்கே எலிகள் உண்ணும் தானியம் கிடைத்தால் கூட எங்கள் பிள்ளைகளில் பாதியை சாகாமல் காத்துக்கொள்வோம்.
மதராஸப்பட்டினத்தில் இருந்தும் நாகப்பட்டினத்தில் இருந்தும் விசாகப்பட்டினத்தில் இருந்தும் சென்றுகொண்டிருக்கும் தானிய ஏற்றுமதியை நிறுத்தினாலே போதும் ஒரு வாரத்தில் பஞ்சம் நின்று விடும். அதை அறியாத எந்த பிரிட்டீஷ் அதிகாரியும் இங்கில்லை 
There are many memorable characters - the church priest Brenen, Joseph , wagon driver who speaks about women, Marisa - anglo-Indian girl who sleeps with Aidan, a typical character expected then the grandma who share the Palm fruit with Aidan, the American Nic Palmer,  British officer Russell  and Andrew, the Scottish missionary .. all the characters made their mark.

Its very sad to know the way the  missionaries approached the famine and how they utilized it to 'harvest the souls' of the dying man and the capitalistic approach of the British officers and the rich to get the maximum out of the poor.  In fact , many of the buildings in Chennai were built during the famine years, built with the blood of those people.The book gives lots of new information on various things. The pictures and the drawings adds another level of understanding and emotions.

In preface , the author says  the below and how true it is.
உலக வரலாற்றின் மாபெரும் பஞ்சங்களில் ஒன்றால் இந்தியாவின் கால்வாசிப்பேர் செத்தொழிந்த காலம். ஏகாதிபத்தியத்தால் அம்மக்கள் அழித்தொழிக்கப்பட்டார்கள். மறுபக்கம் நம்முடைய நீதியுணர்ச்சியும் அவர்களைக் கைவிட்டதென்பதும் வரலாறே.நாம் அத்தனைபேரும் ஏதோ ஒருவகையில் அந்த அழிவுக்குக் கூட்டுப்பொறுப்பேற்றாக வேண்டும். 

A must read book.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Story Of My Teeth - Valeria Luiselli

This is a collaborative , multi-layered project of this author along with factory workers . The author says the formula for this book is " Dickens + mp3 ÷ Balzac + jpeg". She collected the stories , pictures of local landmarks , and commentaries from the workers who read and discussed her first instalment of the novel.  The result is a good and unclassifiable novel (essay!). I finished reading in one sitting though some details bored me.
I could restore an object’s value through “an elegant surpassing of the truth.” This meant that the stories I would tell about the lots would all be based on facts that were, occasionally, exaggerated or, to put it another way, better illuminated.
This is the story of Gustavo Sanchez Sanchez a.k.a Highway. He never opened his mouth and he was not happy about his teeth.  Everything changes once he studied auctioneering and became master in it. His wife along with his son left him for another man and never allowed him to meet his son. He goes around the world auctioning multitudes of items. He got riches and built his own collections at his own house.
My luck was without equal, my life was a poem, and I was certain that one day, someone was going to write the beautiful tale of my dental autobiography.
He lost everything when his son cheated him and took his famed and faked teeth (Marilyn Monroe's). He tried to get his things back . He also wanted to write his biography i.e the story of his teeth. Then the narrator Highway gives way to another writer who he hired to write his biography Voragine. I believe the author actually tells the value of  made-up-stories through the made-up-stories Higway uses to sell his items.  In fact the translator added chronology of events in Mexican history along with Highway's. That was a brilliant idea and it make sense.

I enjoyed all the stories by Highway specially the one's about teeth. Highly enjoyable. The author clearly succeeded in showing the power of storytelling to enhance the power of object being examined. This book is unclassifiable - sort of boundary between truth and fiction.

Read for the joy of  reading good stories and for the brilliant effort of this exciting author.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

After The Prophet :The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split - LesleyHazleton

This book is a excellent starting point to know about the context of today's middle east conflict. The book is divided into three parts
1. Muhammad

The book starts with the death of Prophet Muhammad . This how the author describes the scenes at the room :

"A sickroom in the Middle East then, as now, was a gathering place. Relatives, companions, aides, supporters—all those who scrambled to claim closeness to the center of the newly powerful religion—came in a continual stream, day and night, with their concerns, their advice, their questions. Muhammad fought for consciousness. However sick, he could not ignore them; too much depended on him"

This part of the book tells short story of  Muhammad and the birth of Islam. Special focus is on the events during Prophet Muhammad's  last days. The author brings the main characters alive one by one , starting from Aisha, Ali,Fatima and others.
“Assassination creates an instant hero of its target. Any past sins are not just forgiven but utterly forgotten.” 
The events in Islam history  like  "Affair of the Necklace" , "The People of the Cloak", "The Episode of Pen and Paper" , "The Battle of the Camel", "The Secret Letter", "The Night of Shrieking"  were told beautifully.

The author transport the reader to that period itself, vivid imagery and language. I definitely felt that i was in the middle of all the events detailed in this book. Kudos to the author for writing the complex story in a concise way. The book is referenced thoroughly, excellent research by the author. The author referenced al-Tabari  , a sunni scholar heavily.According to the author after all the rifts among the Muslims what unites them is much more than what divides them.

I don't know how a Muslim reader will react to the simplification of the events but as a fresher in this subject, this book is definitely readable and understandable. Having said that, the author took some liberty in analysing some events with her psychological mindset (The author has two degrees in Psychology ) and sometimes its too much.

A good book to start.